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Bulk Loader FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Bulk Loader

Q. How many products can the bulk loader import?

A. If your file contains more than 2000 items, we suggest breaking up the file to prevent time out issues when importing the data. The Loader itself will accept an unlimited number of items, but the server may error due to amount of time it takes to move the data from your computer to the server.

Q. How can bulk load attributes for a product using the loader?

A. List all options in one column and separate them using a double bar or "||". Example: Blue || Red || Yellow || Brown.

Q. How do I bulk load images?

A. You can use the Bulk Image Loader or the FTP method.

Q. How can I bulk load only new products into the cart?

A. Select "Keep Existing - Add New" under Data Update Rule in the Bulk Loader.